Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Verona News


Advice Column

By: Jaqueline Valadez    Edited by Sofia Garcia 

Dear Jaqueline;

Q: It appears as though I've fallen in love with a woman who has no mutual feelings.  How should I respond to this situation?

~Hopeless Romeo

A: Dear Hopeless Romeo;

I suggest you talk to her. This is not an uncommon thing really. Most girls are complicated to understand. This relationship of yours is a more-than-friendship occurrence though.  If you've already gone about doing this, then I would look for someone new, for women get annoyed if you continue to aggravate them.  You'll find the right girl eventually, trust me.  Just be a little bit more social.


Dear Jaqueline;

Q: My father is a stubborn jerk.  He constantly tries to force me into a marriage.  The man loves me, but I'd rather marry a donkey than this guy.  He's supposedly this wondrous creature, but I think he's revolting, more so on the inside than out.  Also, I'm already tied down with another man, but my parents do not know this.  What should I do?

~Confused, Juliet

 A: Dear Confused Juliet;

You should talk with your father and make him realize that you do not want to marry this guy. Tell him that you have found someone you love and care about greatly. As for the man who loves you, try to ignore him as much as possible. Try not to make any contact with him, for your father will then see that you honestly don’t like the guy. I am sure your father will understand sooner or later that the guy he has arranged marriage with for you, is not the perfect guy for you.

Verona Weather Report

by: Jackie Gutierrez



Low 49/66

Partly sunny



Low 49/63


Chance of rain 26%

Winds at 10 mph



Low 35/54


Chance of rain 13%



Low 32/50


Chance of rain 75%



Low 35/45


Chance of  rain 92%



Romeo and Juliet

By Jaqueline Valadez     Edited by Sofia Garcia

Something strange has happened in Verona, a Capulet and a Montague fell in love. Their love was hidden, but they were in too deep. The two enemies got to the point of getting married. So many innocent lives were taken away, just for an innocent love. Everything was going fine, until the brilliant Friar Lawrence came along. Rumor has it; he was behind all of the killing.

            If it weren’t for Friar, perhaps the lovers would be alive. On the positive side, Juliet would have married Paris, the one she doesn’t love. In meaning of all of this, we can’t fully blame Friar. The parents are the ones who should feel the most guilt. The Nurse is the one we should thank, for sticking up for true love, no matter the consequences.

            The most romantic part of their love story was that they took each other’s lives for their never-ending love. Romeo and Juliet would have never been able to live without one another. If only Romeo had never taken the poison, he would have been happily married with Juliet. Unfortunately, as everyone knows, Romeo was a love sick person. However, he finally met the one, Juliet, his only enemy. Although he didn’t know, his eyes fell on her and instantly fell in love. 


By Iliana Quijano    Edited by Sofia Garcia  


The star-crossed lovers take their life: Romeo and Juliet, the center of this tragedy, over some misunderstanding and an ancient grudge between both families decide to take their life, than bear the insurmountable pain of living without each other.





Tybalt Capulet Slaughtered by his most hated foe: Romeo Montague

After having killed Romeo’s best friend over a petty argument, Romeo sought revenge and engaged in a fight against Tybalt, then delivering a deadly blow ending the rich Capulet’s life.                             

County Paris killed: Romeo (Juliet’s secret husband) kills Paris in the middle of a brawl. The wealthy County will be missed.

Beloved by all:                                                                                                                                   Mercutio, after having a heated argument with Tybalt Capulet, was stabbed by Tybalt, and therefore killed. Mercutio’s last words, rare in their seriousness were exactly these: “A plague a’ both your houses!”

Gone too soon, dear Mercutio was a star too early extinguished.


The Verona News

By: Sofia Garcia Edited by: Sofia Garcia

Sunday Edition Capulets and the Montagues are prohibited to fight on the streets of Verona by Prince Escalus.




It has been said that the Montague and Capulet families have had an ancient grudge, but no one knows what it is. All they know is that they are forever enemies. Recently it has been heard that the Capulet and Montague servants restart the families’ ancient grudge after they were told not to fight a few months back. Some witnesses report that it all started with insulting each other over meaningless things. Lord Montague hears the racket comes out and attacks and it’s not long before Capulet hears it too. They fight for long minutes. More people come armed, but when they see it’s the Capulets and Montagues they stop and threaten them because Benvolio tells every detail from beginning to the very end. No one knows when this will end. Well it ever end? Keep reading for more editions of these families’ differences.






The Pathetic Love Story

By Jackie Guttierez  Edited by Sofia Garcia

Rumor has it that Juliet wasn’t Romeo’s first love! Indeed, close source (requested to keep his identity hidden) says that Romeo was crazy for Ms.Rosaline (pictured on the left), just like bees are for their honey! Yikes! If Juliet knew, would the circumstances been different? The world may never know.

Romeo was absoulety crazy about his first love! The thing that’s very pathetic is that they never once met! Rosaline never knew how he felt about her! If she did ever find out , could that have been the famous love story?

The close source says Romeo complained how about how much he loves Rosaline. This event occurred just hours before he met Juliet! Moaning and complaing about one love, the next hour it’s a different girl! For goodness sake! This boy was definetely love crazy!

            The same night the love birds met (Romeo and Juliet, picured below), they already planned to get married. Whatever Romeo did, every man should take notes! In the end, they truly did love each other. Rosaline sure did miss out.




By: Iliana Quijano Edited by: Sofia Garcia

400_F_42236054_7awBY1jxuswmIu3clsjBcxwoD94Q0jax.jpg972845_1_z.jpg61RNEE6CSQL._UY250_.jpg     Come to the Jousting match between Sir Lancelot and Sir Wagner and enjoy the fabulous adrenaline filled entretainment. For the best seats pay the low price of two pennies. And, ladies, prepare to gift a valiant knight with a favour, so don’t forget to bring your veils! Also, remember, Queen Elizabeth will be attending this epic joust, so don’t miss out!



Bear Baiting: Come watch a thrilling match between bear and canine. Who will win this time around? It is one ferocious bear against five angry dogs, come and be entertained; place bets on who you think will win! Don’t forget its one day only!     

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